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the pen and the brush came together 

interweaving and interlacing

making yarns of self-love 

the warp and the weft of hope and nature 

tying the knots of matters of the mind 

so, as these pages you rustle 

enjoy the fabric we call Unhustle 

Unhustle is a book of poetry and in equal measures a book of illustrations - the two mediums complementing one another. The book is divided into 4 sections titled HOPE, MIND, NATURE, SELF-LOVE. These topics are close to the author's and the illustrator's hearts and they believe that in a world which promotes hustle culture, these areas often take a back seat. Through this book they want their readers to start self-reflection, start taking a pause and enjoy life's journey as they go through it.

Available as a print book and an eBook, this book tries to makes you unhustle – even if for only a while.

Available on NotionpressAmazon IndiaAmazon KindleKobo and Google Play Books

Paperback: 98 pages | Publisher: Notion Press. First edition 2020 | Language: English

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