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  • Dr. Saumya Goyal

You Can Write

The clitter-clatter of the keyboard keys is probably the most soothing sound to my ears. No, I am not a recluse with crumpled paper strewn all over my dimly lit, cigarette-stub filled outhouse. I am a pretty regular Jane who just happens to read and loves to write. A researcher at heart, writing is something which has always been a part of my life – initially for work and then as a passion or maybe vice versa.

And I believe, everyone can write, and you should give it a shot as the pros are uncountable. One need not be a professional write to reap the benefits of writing.

Here’s why you should write –

  1. It gives us a clarity of thought. Even in therapy, so many of us psychologists recommend journaling to become more aware of our wishes, expectations, goals, and in general get a better understanding of our emotions. Writing makes all of this possible as it makes us introspect.

  2. You’ll get more creative over time. Once we learn to shush all the voices in our heads and organize the disjoint thoughts, creativity flows even in our daily lives. With this enhanced creativity we can enrich our work professionally and even improve our personal exchanges – be it a movie review we are discussing or helping our children with their homework or project.

  3. Establish yourself as a thought leader in your professional space with your recorded viewpoints, opinions, advice, or analysis. The quality will only get better with each paragraph you type.

  4. You’ll get to experience the ‘writer’s high’ which is so much like a ‘runner’s high’. Elevated spirits, happiness & the feeling on satisfaction in your gut which you’ll experience when you finish writing that story or publish your blog or complete your diary entry is indescribable.

  5. Writing is one of the greatest stress busters. Once we have our feelings (even in the form of a fictional story) on a piece of paper we are able to channelize and vent our emotions in a positive form – this not only disburdens us but is cathartic as well.

How can you go about –

Just start with a hundred words a day which is essentially 5-6 sentences and build on gradually – at the speed you are comfortable.

Throw away the thesaurus and shoot the grammar Nazis. Simple language is the most underrated but the most welcoming – so don’t bother about the fancy words which others might be using. You don’t have to get intimidated because of them. And as for so many of us for whom Grammar becomes a challenge, it is the ‘soul’ of the message which counts.

Start your blog or contribute to the existing blogging platforms if you want to share your thoughts and views with the world in general, or simply pen down a poem in a notebook – even if it is solely for your eyes – you for one will know who created it.

So, give those first 100 words a shot today and trust me once you start, it is difficult to stop – it gives you a high like no other drug. Believe in yourself – you can write.

Image courtesy: The Writing Cooperative

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