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  • Dr. Saumya Goyal

To That Mom…You Deserve An Applause!

A poetic ode to mothers & motherhood. Let’s celebrate our differences and adjust each other’s crowns

To that mom…

Who left her job, to raise her child,

Playing all day, a mother and a wife.

And even the one who decided to not,

Attempting the balance of work & life.

You, deserve an applause!

To that mom…

Who breast-fed all the while,

And the one who used bottle from time to time.

And even the one who switched to formula,

In favour of sleep and lots of downtime.

You deserve an applause!

To that mom…

Who attends the PTMs,

In those unmatched trousers with that shirt.

And  even the one whose hair’s all in place,

Dressed in white, no speck of dirt.

You, deserve an applause!

To that mom,

Who hires a tutor, starting kindergarten,

And wants her child to easily pull-through.

And even the one who plays the teacher,

All through the school and college too.

You deserve an applause!

To that mom…

Who wanted a breathing space,

And hence hired a full-time nanny.

And even the one who is a DIY mom,

With Legos picking pieces of her sanity.

You deserve an applause!

To that mom…

Who make candles soaps and jewellery,

Wanting to share some of the bills.

And even the one, who gives some classes,

Imparting the precious art skills.

You deserve an applause!

To that mom…

Who knows it all,

The one who loves to mother.

And even the one who’s learning on the job,

Wishing she could be somewhere further.

You deserve an applause!

To that mom…

Who walked out of the house,

Away from bruises – on body and mind.

And even the one who stuck around,

Unsure to leave her child behind.

You deserve an applause!

We’re just us as best as can be.

No one’s doing any more or less,

Mothering remember, has no losers,

It’s not a game of chess.

Just stop thinking what others will say,

Get over looking for acquiesce.

You deserve an applause!

To that mom…

Let’s not put the other one down,

If you can, adjust her crown.

Because you and me, and all us moms,

We deserve an applause!

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