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  • Dr. Saumya Goyal

New Year Resolutions – It’s Time to KISS (Keep It Super Simple)

Much has been and will be written about New Year Resolutions, New Year Plans and New Year Ideas. But the fact remains that most of them fizzle out by the time February comes knocking at the door. For a very simple reason! They are too bold, too outlandish, too unachievable (like how all of us have been trying to lose those 10 pounds for the past 10 years!)

If you are one of the rare breeds of true go-getters who achieve what they set out to every single time, this blog is not for you. It’s for someone like me who picks up the fanciest of papers and the cutest of pens and makes a 10-point list in the last week of December.

Well the ink fades, the paper gets stained (even lost at times) and the magic of New Year Resolutions disappears as soon as the routine kicks in – which is pretty much by mid-January.

This time around I thought of jotting down things we can actually achieve, things which are simple, easy, doable and basically good for one’s overall wellbeing:

  1. Eat a little healthier: Add a fruit during the day, or cutback on one teaspoon of sugar or include more local produce; or maybe just buy fresher vegetables.

  2. Say no to multitasking: Yes, you read it right. Believe in the power of simplicity, in the power of being involved completely, and avoid not just the lack of focus, but the stress & anxiety which comes along with it.

  3. Declutter your mobile every week: Clear up the mobile of overload once every week – those 1,350 WhatsApp Images, 225 Videos, and 5432 chat messages which you are never going to read again. Save the important ones immediately and let go of the rest.

  4. Move more: Take a flight of stairs or maybe two, walk to the nearest store, stroll while catching up with your friend over a call – let’s just move more this year.

  5. Chuck out all that’s not useful: Food from the pantry that’s not healthy, the jeans we have been planning to fit into one of these years, linen we don’t use anymore. Make a target – 10-15% of everything you own should go.

  6. Play more music: Listen to more music this year. It clears out your head, calms your nerves, and soothes your soul. And if you are game, exercise your own vocal chords as well.

  7. Speak less: Try not cutting off people when they are speaking, not giving your opinion for every topic under the Sun and you’ll thank yourself later. Speak a little less this year and listen a little more – to others as well as to your thoughts.

  8. Care about the planet: This year let’s eat a little bit more of the stuff which doesn’t harm our planet, generate a little less garbage, waste a little less water, walk a little more, drive a little less.

  9. Enjoy your own company: Solitude not only enhances creativity, it resets the brain and is a great way for self-discovery and provides fresh perspective. So, spend half an hour each day exclusively with yourself.

  10. Love yourself: Invest time, money and effort in your biggest supporter – you. Give yourself more credit, encourage yourself more, and learn to forgive yourself when need be. This year make best friends with yourself.

Pick and choose from these; combine with what you have on your mind; or make completely new ones. But your new year “resolutions” must be really simple, and doable. Something you can look back at a year from now and they should have become a part of your everyday life. Make this a year of letting go of toxicity – in food, people, thoughts, and actions and make it all about self-love and self-care.

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