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  • Dr. Saumya Goyal

Mindful Workplaces

Matters of Heart & Mind Series

Mindfulness is talk of the town today – a concept which originated in Asia but has taken the western corporate world by storm. For those who just arrived, Mindfulness – very simply put – is being Aware. Being aware of one’s senses, one’s surroundings, one’s experiences, one’s thoughts – today, now.

We all know that individuals can learn mindfulness through practice and nowadays mindfulness courses are much in demand. The benefits are aplenty – reducing negatives such as stress, anxiety, pain and enhancing positives such as happiness, energy, concentration to name a few.

Now, if we extrapolate this concept to workplaces and organizations at large – what if workplaces become more mindful? What if they become aware of what’s present within them at present rather than focusing too much on how they need to be in the future. Truly speaking, focusing on future isn’t necessarily a bad thing – but why lose out on the fun, the satisfaction of present!

The obvious question arises is how and the answer is simple and right there staring at all of us:

  1. Become aware of employees’ talents

  2. Become aware of employees’ personalities

  3. Become aware of employees’ motivations

  4. Become aware of employees’ turn-offs

  5. Become aware of employees’ stressors

  6. Become aware of employee’s experiences

If organizations are truly aware of these aspects, they wouldn’t have half the problems they have now. But who will bell the cat – The onus is yet again on leadership & HR. So, hold your breath, take a pause, and look within – for a happy, healthy, and mindful workplace!

Originally published on LinkedIn

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