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  • Dr. Saumya Goyal

8 Tips To Kick-start Your Day

Almost everyone experiences Monday morning blues. And with us chock-o-blocking our weekends with ‘planned’ leisure activities which leave us more exhausted than rejuvenated, Mondays are especially dreaded. Other weekdays are no different as we end up in the bed with our laptops or after binge watching our favourite series. While 8 hours of sleep is a MUST to prepare yourself for the next day, here are some other ways which can boost your morning energy and help kick start the day.

1. Wake up early

The ideal time is 5 a.m. It gives to time to reflect, plan and puts you a step ahead in your day. If that’s not possible, see what is and stick to that – ideally any time before 6.30.

2. Practice 5 minutes of mindfulness

Before getting out of the bed become aware of your being and surroundings. Also become aware of your breath.  This will help you get your bearings.

3. Hydrate yourself

Drink a glass of plain water or lukewarm water with honey and a squeeze of lemon. Your body needs it after going 8 hours without it.

4. Go for a jog, exercise or practice yoga

A day well begun is half done and what better way to begin your day than with exercise. These activities are sure to give you a boost with feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine.

5. Enjoy your cup of tea (or coffee)

Whatever you like to indulge in, enjoy your choice of hot beverage while plonking yourself on a comfortable couch or in your garden/ balcony surrounded with greenery and chirping of birds. Savour every sip as you take it in.

6. Spend time with your family

Check-in with each other on how each one has planned their day. Find out what important activities / events are due in their day today. It is important to stay involved and connected – especially to your innermost circle. Do this in-person or even remotely if you live by yourself.

7. Make a list of must-do activities

While you may have a long list of pending items in your to-do list, make sure to prioritize and list down what is un-missable for that particular day.

8. Do not miss breakfast

Your body needs this boost of energy to prepare itself for the long day ahead. Hence, do not miss breakfast. And preferably at the same time of the day – everyday.

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